He is my inspiration #CozFathersareSpecial

On the occasion of Father’s Day, Mommy Blogger, Prerna from MaaOfAllBlogs shares a guest post with us. Read on to know her dad’s story #CozDadsAreSpecial…

They say ‘behind every man is a woman’ but what if the reverse was also true? Unlike what we read or hear, men in my life have been very sensitive and supportive of me. I have always looked upto my dad all through my growing years for advise when it came to my education, my career choices. I come from a humble background and a small town, but my dad has never let that hinder my growth.

I remember him travelling in second class compartments, but he made sure I studied in the best schools and colleges. As kids we did not do any, mind you any international holidays! The number of times we went out to a restaurant as a family for a dinner, is less than the number of fingers I have on my hands. Yes, my parents worked very, very hard to raise us and make sure they gave us the best education possible.

What it did for me was, it made my roots go very deep in the ground. I think today by God’s grace when I have enough, I can survive if tomorrow I have to go to the grass root level also.

My dad is old school, and he didn’t like me going anywhere unattended when I was growing up, even for birthday parties, unless it was my childhood friends. But he didn’t even wince once when I told him I wanted to do my graduation from Delhi University. Infant, he got me into a paying guest and I survived the next nine years of Delhi on my own. That’s the kind of person he is, unique! Maybe, someday I will understand his reasons for the contrasting decisions in both cases.

I clearly remember, I was earning more than my dad in my second job, after I passed out of my design school and he was so proud! That’s the time my respect for him grew a few folds.

How did he manage to raise and feed a whole family in that kind of an income, is still a miracle to me.

What I have learnt from him the most is to always find a silver lining even in the most cloudy days. He has taught me to be an optimist, no matter how life turns out to be. He has taught me that it’s never too late to start. He worked all his life in a government organisation and then once he felt his kids were settled took voluntary retirement at the age of 58 and started consulting. He was suddenly a risk taker, almost an entrepreneur. At the age of 65 when most people want to retire and put their feet up, he wants to explore more and work more. He never ceases to amaze me.

I might be named Prerna but, he is my inspiration !

About Prerna: A full time mom! Yes, that’s how she likes to describe herself. Mom to two beautiful boys. When she’s not running after them, she blogs – a passion, which only comes second after her kids. Read more about her here.

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