Hiyashaa Turns Five with a Fab ‘Frozen’ Birthday Party

1Those who know me would know that I’m pretty late in writing this birthday journal but they would also know why.  So, between two rounds of guests, a job change and a burnt foot (t’s fine now!) I am finally writing this post.

On April 18, this year an epic thing happened… Hiyashaa turned 5! Though in her mind she is already 22. The girl has officially been in this world for half a decade…woohoo! <Insert the obvious mom reaction> OMG it feels like yesterday that she was born!

Time indeed flies and as much I hate to admit the truth remains that my little baby has grown up into this walking-talking-dancing-posing-You-Tubing BIG girl.

Now that H can understand months, days and dates to some extent… the birthday countdown began in January itself, with clear instructions that she wanted a Frozen themed party, with her being Elsa. While every morning since then began with constant queries like , “How many days left? to “I tomorrow April.?”, the days went in making mind notes of her demands – which included an Elsa like braid, gloves and the perfect blue dress – which had me on the roads of Bandra for two days!

Birthday girl ready for school
Birthday girl ready for school

Finally – it was the birthday, which began with school followed by a party in the evening. We clicked some quick pictures with the Number 5 balloon before heading out to school wearing a pink dress.

Moving ahead into the eventful day, the party started in the evening and boy it was fun with my girl being super happy!



We hired Cherish Events to do the decor for us at home. They did a fab job without burning a hole in my pocket.  With Elsa, Anna and Olaf standees and some balloons in place our living room was soon transformed into a Frozen winterland.


The kids had a blast playing games, getting tattooed and munching on sweet treats. I made Marshmallow Olafs and Elsa Jelly along with in-house baby burgers and noodles for kids. Suiting the theme, we had the cool blue juice from Mapro for kids to sip upon.

The standees were a big hit unleashing the inner divas and dudes in the kids, who went berserk posing and dancing around them.


Coming to the best part of the party – the cake! Celejor did it for us in fresh mango filing with Frozen blue frosting. We swapped fondant figurines with silicon Frozen dolls posing along the cake, which are a cute keepsake from the 5th birthday! Clearly, Hiyashaa loved the cake as she took so many pictures with it! We cut the cake with both the grannies who were visiting us just in the right time.


Frzen Theme PartyAll in all, we had a fab birthday party, with Hiyashaa being in her true element – a little Elsa and a lot of Hiyashaa – happy, pretty and ready to take on the world!

Hiyahaa's Frozen Theme Party: Only family pic we have!
Hiyahaa’s Frozen Theme Party: Only family pic we have!


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