All posts by Charu

About Charu

Who me? Mommy Blogger, Content Writer, Bollywood enthusiast, Feature Writer, Social Media Enthusiast

5 Ways how outdoor play can help in learning

5 ways outdoor fun can help learning

“We were the last generation to play outdoors.”

Because technology had not happened then!

But the same doesn’t hold true today, when kids as young as six months are being exposed to iPads and mobile phones for a myriad of reasons – education, engagement, entertainment, etc. Not judging anyone here because I too am a mom, who gives my mobile to my kid or simply puts on her favourite cartoon on TV to steal some quiet moments. Having said that, I totally swear by the importance of ‘outdoor play’ and make sure that my child gets enough of the same. We have set a limit to screen time and never let it come in the way of getting messy outdoors for the simple reason that no matter how much a kid learns on screen, it cannot outweigh the benefits of active outdoor play.

Here are a few ways in which outdoor play can help your child:

Continue reading 5 Ways how outdoor play can help in learning

Hiyashaa Turns Five with a Fab ‘Frozen’ Birthday Party

1Those who know me would know that I’m pretty late in writing this birthday journal but they would also know why.  So, between two rounds of guests, a job change and a burnt foot (t’s fine now!) I am finally writing this post.

On April 18, this year an epic thing happened… Hiyashaa turned 5! Though in her mind she is already 22. The girl has officially been in this world for half a decade…woohoo! <Insert the obvious mom reaction> OMG it feels like yesterday that she was born!

Continue reading Hiyashaa Turns Five with a Fab ‘Frozen’ Birthday Party

Quick & Easy DIY Gifts for Father’s Day


A dad and daughter’s love story is unique, special and out of this world. I’m not saying this out of warmth or awe but out of sheer jealousy, because a love-story like this is thriving in my home and I am a victim of the same. If you too have a dad-daughter duo in your family, you would totally relate to the feeling ignored by this duo that will enjoy life in each other’s company – totally oblivious to your existence!  

Jokes apart, I am actually in awe of the bond my girl shares with her dad. And to celebrate this love, we will be making a cutesy gift for daddy dearest this Father’s Day. If you are also looking for some ideas….here are some cool Father’s Day gifts that you ca n make together. Continue reading Quick & Easy DIY Gifts for Father’s Day

Your complete guide to Dengue Fever: Causes, Symptoms & Precautions


With monsoon already knocking at our doors, many parents will lose sleep over the impending danger of mosquito bred diseases, especially Dengue – which will become very common during the season. When it comes to Dengue, precaution is better than cure.

So, before mosquitoes start their rampage, here’s a complete guide to Dengue: precaution, symptoms and treatment: Continue reading Your complete guide to Dengue Fever: Causes, Symptoms & Precautions

5 Practical things that every mom should buy before the baby’s arrival

5 Things You Must Buy Before Baby's Arrival
5 Things You Must Buy Before Baby’s Arrival

Those blue lines on that pregnancy kit are a kick starter to many new things…a new journey, new emotions, new experiences and of course new advice. Be it fellow moms, experienced elders or those enticing promotions shouting out of just about everything giving you suggestions about what to buy and how to gear up for the arrival of your bundle of joy may be helpful but overwhelming as well. If you too are confused about what to buy to prepare yourself for the new arrival, here’s the most practical list of things that you should pick up while everything else can wait…
Continue reading 5 Practical things that every mom should buy before the baby’s arrival