Easy-peasy healthy breakfast recipes for one year olds (toddlers)

Breakfast Recipes for One Year Olds
Breakfast Recipes for One Year Olds (Mixed Veg Upma)

H has always troubled me when it comes to eating or drinking. I know, I’m not alone. Most of the mommies are blessed with at least one fussy eater. I think she has taken on me in that regard as Papa M is quite easy to please in food department. H’s pediatrician once said that, “an year old child can practically eat everything that you have.” Ever since then, I had been waiting for H to turn ONE. Not because I was tired of cooking specially for H but because I wanted to implement what the doctor advised and make sure that she gets used to.

Being first time parents, we had been extra cautious (read obsessive). Out of the fear that she might choke herself, I introduced semi-solids quite late as a result of which, MissH still prefers her food to be blended so that she can conveniently gulp it down.

Now, that she’s about to turn good 13-months-old in two days, I’m planning to be a strict mommy and give her food like us. Of course, spice, sugar and salt content will be adjusted according to a baby’s taste and requirement. Earlier she gets adjusted, the better it is for her and me. (Is it too much to ask, eh?)

If you are sailing in the same boat, these easy & healthy breakfast recipes will come handy to you too!

1.  Mixed-Veg Upma
Recipe: Microwave diced carrots & peas till they are soft and keep aside.
In a pan, put some pure ghee (you can put oil too)
Add mustard seeds. Once they crackle, add some  curry leaves & chopped onions.
Saute till it turns golden. Now, add chopped tomatoes and diced and boiled carrots & peas.
Add salt to taste. Now, add a spoon full of sooji (salmolina) and roast the mixture.
Add half a glass of water and cook till sooji gets tender. Upma is ready. Water content can be adjusted according to your baby’s comfort level.
Tip: You can dice and boil the veggies & keep them in the fridge to be used later. Will save time.

2. Sooji Kheer with Dates/ Jaggery
Take a teaspoon full of sooji in a pan and add half a glass of water to it.
Add the pulp of 1 date/ jaggery to this mixture. Let this mixture cook on a low flame for 2-3 minutes.
You’ll see the sooji getting cooked. Add milk till you reach the required consistency.
Amount of jaggery/ Dates can be adjusted according to your child’s taste.

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3. Atta (Wheat flour) Halwa / Sheera
Take a teaspoon full of wheat flour.
Add equal amount of pure ghee to it. Roast on a low flame till it turns golden.
Add 3/4 glass of water & some jaggery.
If you find this too watery, let it cook to reduce the consistency. Amount of Jaggery can also be adjusted according to the child’s taste.
Tip: Turn it into a power food by adding the paste of a soaked almond to the halwa.
You can also make it with a pinch of salt instead of sugar.

4. Sooji Spinach Uthappa (Pan cakes)
Take one teaspoon of sooji. Mix one teaspoon of curd to it.
Add 1 teaspoon full of boiled spinach puree. Add salt to taste.
Set the batter aside for 5 minutes before you cook it.
Put some pure ghee in the pan. Make small uttappa (pan cake) with the batter.
Let it cook till golden brown.
Tip: H loves her uthappa with some butter or curd.

5. Besan Tomato Chilla
Take a teaspoon full of besan. Add to it the puree of a tomato.
It should have a dosa batter like consistency. If it is too hard you can add a little water.
Add some finely chopped onions (optional). Add salt to taste. A little ajwain.
Now, pour it in the pan and cook in pure ghee till golden brown on both sides.
Serve it with a little ghee on top or a little butter. (Yet to try with H)

6. Cheese Omelette
This is easy. Just beat an egg with a pinch of salt.
Put a little butter in the pan. Pour the beaten egg in the pan. Let it cook on one side.
Sprinkle some grated cheese on top and just fold it. Let it simmer for a minute and it’s ready. Serve it with a dollop of butter if your kid likes.
Tip: You can also add veggies like onion / tomatoes / mushrooms for a little grown up kids.

7. Fruit Custard

Recipe: Make custard according to instructions on the pack and serve it with your child’s favourite fruits.
Just dice / mash fruits according to the child’s preference. I make it with banana, chikoo and apple.

8. Paneer & Mango / Chikkoo / Banana
Recipe: Home-made paneer mixed with dices of your child’s favourite fruits can make for a yummy and healthy breakfast option.

9. Palak Paratha
Mix boiled and pureed palak (spinach) to wheat flour.  Add a pinch of salt and a little ajwain. Make dough and then roll it into a paratha cooked in a little pure ghee. Serve with curd.

10.  Ragi/ Nachni Sheera
Take a spoon full of ragi flour. Roast it in a pan. Add a teaspoon of ghee and salt to taste. Add half a glass of water and let it cook for a good 10 minutes. Keep stirring to avoid sticking.

11. Rice Idli with Apple Stew
The combo sounds weird but we discovered this combination by chance and H quite liked the salty and sweet combo for the first time. Though, she didn’t even taste it when served this to her after two days. Will try again. Even kids are as weird as this combo.

12. Broken Wheat Porridge with Milk & Fruits
Take two tablespoons of porridge add half a cup of water. Pressure cook it till soft.
Add milk and a little jaggery to sweeten it. Now add your child’s favourite fruits (diced) to it.

Also read: Almonds, Oats & Choco teething biscuits

P.S: I’m not a professional cook. So, the quantity of ingredients is according to my own experience. The quantity mentioned is not even connected to the ideal amount of food a one year old should have. Remember, that each child is different. You can increase or decrease the quantity of an ingredient according to your child’s requirement and preference.

Watch out this space for Lunch & Dinner Ideas for one year olds! Till then, happy cooking & happy eating!

If you also have a special recipe that your little one loves, please feel free to share! We would love to publish it!

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